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Friday 27 August 2021

Read India Celebration (RIC) to celebrate Readers, Knowers , Gyani’s, Vidyavan and Leaders in School (standard3rd-12th)


Read India Celebration (RIC) in association with Republic Media Network has instituted an event for the schools (3rd to 12th grade) to engage students in a transformative nonacademic reading, problem-solving and leadership experience during 2021. Students may participate in Read India Celebration 2021 in three simple steps:

Step: 1 Register first at here: 

    If you are a teacher click here

    If you are a student click here

Step2: Read—Read a book or research on a topic.

Step 3: Submit a small task.

 The last date for student registration is August 31st, 2021, and the last date for student submission is   Sep15th, 2021.

Click here for more details